Top 10 Tuesday – 10 signs you’re a book lover

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

  1. You’ve always got a book on your in some form
    Kindle, physical, audiobook… it’s the reassuring idea that at any point you can switch off from the ‘real’ world and into a different one
  2. You own multiple copies of the same book
    If I really love a book I’ll have it on kindle and a physical copy, and maybe the audiobook. Or I’ll have multiple copies with different covers like the Harry Potter books (Original covers, House Covers, Illustrated)
  3. You’ve said unasked ‘the book was better’
    Adaptions have to miss off large chunks of the book just to make it feasible. Apart from Holes, I can’t think of any book -> film adaptation done perfectly.
  4. You’ve put off watching the film/TV show until you can read the book
    If a film is coming out of a book I keep meaning to read I won’t go and see it until I’ve read the book, same with TV shows. Even if everyone is raving about it I won’t watch it until I’ve finished the book.
  5. You know what your Hogwarts house is
    I’m a proud Ravenclaw
  6. You have strong opinions/rants about various characters that you can go into at any moment
  7. You’ve used almost everything apart from a bookmark as a bookmark
    Pieces of paper, receipts, another book…
  8. You’re TBR is never ending
    The To Be Read pile is it’s own Mount Everest and no matter how much you try to scale it it’ll keep growing. Mostly because you keep seeing new and exciting books.
  9. The local bookshop/library know you by name.
    Constantly ordering books means you know the staff and they know you. Which does mean that every time you go in they add more books to your TBR as they get to know you and the recommendations become more tailored.
  10. Friends and family are worried to get you books or book related things because they think you might already have it.
    On the surface we’re easy to buy for. Just get us a book and we’ll be happy but the piles of books we’ve already read/own mean that people are scared to get you anything. Most of the time it’s fine but sometimes you do have to tell them that it’s not only on your TBR but it’s on your bookcase too.

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